New Jersey Bond Fund

New Jersey Fixed Income Municipal Bond Fund

Lowest cost NJ muni bond fund

This particular webpage provides a list of very economical New Jersey bond fund investments. This list of the lowest cost index mutual funds in the state muni bond asset class is relatively stable over time. Individual investors in the lowest fee index mutual funds investments are inclined to be devoted to the few index fund firms which provide very economical index mutual funds investments.

Individual shareholders in the lowest cost index investment funds recognize that lower cost leads to better net returns over the years. Bond index investment company funds probably will not have superior gross portfolio performance prior to investing taxes and costs. Instead, index investment funds shoot for the mean or average market investment performance, and they are not managed to exceed the market average return.

Even so, the much lower costs of fixed income muni index mutual funds investments enable share owners to keep far more of the market’s investment performance instead of sharing the market’ return with the financial services industry by paying unneeded investment costs. Over time, shareholders in index mutual funds tend to exceed the net returns individual investors who pay unneeded charges to the financial industry.

Lowest cost New Jersey municipal bond fund investments

Fund Name — Expense Ratio — Ticker Symbol

New Jersey state muni bond funds

  • Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Admiral — 0.09% expense ratio — VNJUX
  • Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Investor — 0.17% expense ratio — VNJTX
  • Fidelity New Jersey Municipal Income Fund — 0.47% expense ratio — FNJHX
  • T. Rowe Price New Jersey Tax-Free Bond — 0.55% expense ratio — NJTFX
    • low cost index mutual funds
    • Look through the index fund prospectus to find out limitations and expenses, along with buying, redemption, and trading fees that could apply. Mutual funds could be closed to additional investors.

The table’s first listed lowest management expense New Jersey bond fund is the Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Admiral with the VNJUX trading ticker symbol. The Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Admiral lists the low charge management expense ratio in this fixed income index mutual fund investments asset class classification.

The following listed low portfolio fee index investment company fund is the Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Investor which is purchased and sold with the VNJTX ticker trading symbol. The Vanguard New Jersey Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Investor records the lowest expense portfolio management expenses ratio in this index mutual funds group.

The figure’s following included lowest portfolio fee index investment company fund is the Fidelity New Jersey Municipal Income Fund which includes FNJHX trading ticker symbol. The Fidelity New Jersey Municipal Income Fund includes the low fee portfolio management expenses ratio in this muni bond index funds section.

The figure’s subsequently included lowest cost New Jersey bond fund is the T. Rowe Price New Jersey Tax-Free Bond that includes the NJTFX trading ticker symbol. The T. Rowe Price New Jersey Tax-Free Bond prospectus comes with the low charge portfolio management expense ratio in this municipal index funds asset class.

New Jersey Bond Fund
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